Are Snake Plants Toxic To Dogs?

Are Snake Plants Toxic To Dogs?

Picture this: you're lounging on your comfy sofa, sipping a warm cup of coffee, and admiring both the lush greenery of your indoor plants and the adorable custom pet portrait of your pooch from West & Willow. As a dog parent, creating a space that's both stylish and pooch-friendly is like tailoring the perfect dog park for indoor play – it's all fun and games until someone chews on a plant they shouldn't. Enter the snake plant, a trendy addition to any modern home, but is it a safe choice for homes where the fur babies rule the roost? It's crucial to sniff out the facts to ensure our decorative choices don't end up being a ruff deal for our four-legged family members.

The Beauty and Benefits of Snake Plants

The snake plant, with its tall, elegant leaves, can really spruce up a room and make those custom pet portraits pop! It's like putting a frame within a frame, giving your dog's adorable mug the limelight it deserves. Not to mention, snake plants are like the silent heroes of the plant world, purifying the air one breath at a time – talk about a win-win for you and your sniff-happy sidekick! They can stand guard next to your West & Willow masterpiece, making sure both you and your pup are breathing easy while looking good.

But it's not just about looking good; it's about feeling good too. Imagine your dog, tail wagging, playfully bounding around a living space that's as fresh as a daisy – thanks to the air-cleaning superpowers of your snake plant sidekicks. These green guardians are more than just pretty faces; they're a breath of fresh air in a home filled with love, laughter, and the occasional doggy mischief.

The Concern: Are Snake Plants Safe for Dogs?

Let's paws for a moment and address the elephant in the room, or should we say, the snake plant in the room. As dog parents, we're always on the lookout for potential hazards, and the question of whether snake plants are safe for dogs is one that can't be buried in the backyard. While these plants are a feast for the eyes, they shouldn't be a feast for our furry friends. Known also as Sansevieria or Mother-in-Law's Tongue, snake plants are part of a list of houseplants that contain saponins – a natural chemical that's not safe for dogs.

It's enough to make any dog lover's ears perk up with concern. After all, our dogs are known for their curious noses and indiscriminate taste buds. While snake plants are not the deadliest of flora, they can lead to some unpleasant side effects that can turn your home from a comfy den into a doggy emergency room. It's a scenario we'd all like to avoid, as keeping our pups safe is as important as keeping their tails wagging.

If your dog decides that a snake plant looks like a good snack, they might end up with more than they bargained for. We're talking about a bout of nausea, an unexpected vomit-fest, or a case of the runs that could rival the speed of a greyhound. These are just some of the symptoms that can occur if your dog takes a bite out of this not-so-tasty greenery. It's like nature's way of saying, "I'm not dog food!" and your pup's tummy will likely agree.

As much as we love a good "chase the tail" session, we don't want our pups chasing their own tails in discomfort. That's why it's important to keep an eye on your furry explorer and know the drill in case they decide to go on a plant-tasting adventure. Being prepared is key, and it's always better to prevent a mishap than to treat one – because when it comes to our dogs, it's always better to be safe than sorry, right?

Safer Alternatives to Snake Plants

Now, don't let your tail droop just yet! There are plenty of non-toxic plant pals that can share your home without causing a stir. From the feathery fronds of a Boston fern to the lush leaves of a spider plant, there's a whole world of dog-friendly greenery that can coexist with your canine. And let's not forget, these plants can be the perfect backdrop to a stunning West & Willow portrait, making your dog the star of the show in a jungle of safe, leafy friends.

Get creative with your decor! Mix and match these non-toxic plants with your stylish pet portraits to create a living space that's both Instagram-worthy and tail-waggingly safe. It's like curating your own personal dog park, but with more photos and fewer squirrels. And who knows, with the right greenery, your dog might just become the next top model in a verdant oasis of their own.

Preventive Measures to Protect Your Pup

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – and when it comes to keeping your dog safe from not-so-pet-friendly plants, this couldn't be truer. Consider elevating your plants to new heights where curious noses can't reach. Think hanging planters or high shelves – it's like creating a green canopy that's for human eyes only. And if your dog has a habit of scaling furniture like a furry mountaineer, you might want to think about plant stands that are more wobbly than sturdy.

Another trick up your sleeve could be deterrents – from bitter sprays that make plants less appetizing to creating a designated plant zone with a pet gate. It's like setting up a VIP section at a club, and the only ones on the list are your leafy friends. By taking these steps, you can wag a finger at potential plant dangers and keep your home a tail-wagging haven for your beloved pup.


Wrapping up this tail-tale, it's clear that while snake plants may be easy on the eyes, they're not so easy on the doggy digestive system. As dog parents, our mission is to create a home that's as safe as it is stylish – a place where our dogs can frolic freely without a care in the world. It's about striking a balance between chic decor and a chew-safe environment, ensuring that our four-legged friends can enjoy our home as much as we do.

So, let's keep our living spaces filled with love, laughter, and pet portraits that capture the spirit of our furry companions. By choosing the right plants and taking preventive measures, we can ensure our homes are not just beautiful, but also a safe playground for our beloved dogs. After all, a happy dog means a happy home, and isn't that what we all paw-sitively want?


What are some common symptoms of snake plant poisoning in dogs?

Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes excessive drooling. If your dog is showing these signs, it might be time for a vet visit!

How can I safely display my snake plants without risking my dog's health?

Consider placing your snake plants on high shelves or in hanging planters, out of reach of your curious canine's paws and jaws.

What non-toxic plants would you recommend for a household with dogs?

Some dog-safe plants include Boston ferns, spider plants, and bamboo palms – perfect for greening up your space worry-free!

Can snake plants be kept in a home with dogs if they are out of reach?

Yes, as long as they're placed well out of your dog's reach and you're confident they can't turn into an accidental snack.

What should I do if I suspect my dog has eaten part of a snake plant?

Keep calm and call your vet! They'll give you the best advice on how to handle your dog's green-eating escapade.